Question : DAO recordset edit problem

Do Until EOF(intFilenum)
lngInterval = 10
  For intField = 1 To 1435
    Input #intFilenum, varArray(intField)
   Next intField

With rst

Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(tableName)

For i = 256 To 265
    'get info here

 '__________________________'dslr start @ 266-256=10_index_______________
  a = 10
     P_dslr = varArray(i + a + (0 * lngInterval))
'loops from 0 to 10 records

 Next i
End With

       rst.Fields("[xflo]").Value = xTime   'shows correct values in debug
       a = rst.EditMode                      'value is 1
       rst.Fields("[itm]").Value = iTm      'shows correct values

Loop 'same as rs.MoveNext??????

This work isn't mine so if I need moveFirst moveNext etc I'm not sure how to do it with the For loop which I need

End Sub
no error msgs
rst has over 90 records only compleats 1 record
The edit does't look like it can find the record row
I'm overlooking something and can't see it.


Answer : DAO recordset edit problem

I made a new table and used same code but changed edit to addnew  and it functioned fine.
Does any one still care why addnew works and edit does not?
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