Question : ODBC Microsoft Access Driver Login Failed

Hi Experts,

I have a user who is unable to update tables in Excel from an access database. When he clicks refresh, sometimes he gets prompted for a user name and password, although there shouldn't be one for the database. Other times he will receive the error "ODBC Microsoft Access Driver Login Failed. is not a valid path. Make sure that the path name is spelled correctly and that you are connected to the server on which the file resides."

There are a few things that I have tried:

I checked the ODBC connection, and it was set up correctly.

I tried making a new ODBC connection for access pointing to the database in question, but that didn't change anything.

When prompted for credentials, I have had the user try his, or just clicking ok with the default ones, and it returns the error "Microsoft Excel. The following data range failed to refresh: Query from MS Access Database_8. Continue to refresh all?" Clicking ok continues to return this error with a different database number, clicking cancel stops it.

The user accesses Excel through a Citrix server, and I tried giving him access to Access 2003 through that, which seemed like the solution since it worked fine, but then it returned to the same error some time later.

I've attached some screenshots for reference. Hopefully one of you experts out there could shed some light onto this. I will check back when I can and provide you with any information that might be helpful.

Thanks in advance.

Answer : ODBC Microsoft Access Driver Login Failed


instead of using an ODBC connection you should remove the link to the external database and bind it with a DSN less connection like Micrsoft has shown here:

With this you don't need any local ODBC connection on the computer and it will never again asking for a password (the same issue comes up when connecting to for example a SQL Server with ODBC).


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