Question : Macro not found error


I am getting The macro 'Data Log from 69194.xls!CalculateTotal' cannot be found. error when I am trying to run a macro that resides in another work book.

Here is the code:
Dim target As Workbook
    Set target = Workbooks.Open("S:\Data Log from 69194.xls")
    Dim res As String
    res = Application.Run(target.Name & "!CalculateTotal", "1/11/2009", "2.1.3")

I have defined a a macro as Public Function(arg1, arg2) inside a module in another workbook.

Why am I getting an error when I try to call it?

Answer : Macro not found error


Try changing this:
res = Application.Run(target.Name & "!CalculateTotal", "1/11/2009", "2.1.3")

to this
res = Application.Run("'" & target.Name & "'!CalculateTotal", "1/11/2009", "2.1.3")


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