Question : Front Page 2003 - Formatting Form Email Results

I have a Front Page Web that emails a the results from the fields in a form on my Front Page Web.

Is there a way to get the results into a more user friendly looking output?

I currently get an email that just reports the Field Names and Results such as:

Name:   TEST
Site:    North Branch      
License:   A012332    
Order Date:   1/18/2010      
Ship Date:      1/19/2010
Ship Time:      09:00
Contact Phone#:  555-555-5555
Item1: Test Item 1
Item2: Test Item 2

There are about 50 items and it makes it very hard to read.  If I could put the data back into a format similar to the form, it would make it much easier to read.

I would like to keep the solution native to Front Page rather than adding a solution from another program.

Answer : Front Page 2003 - Formatting Form Email Results

If you need the results to go into a confirmation page, then that is a simple fix. Is this what you need?

If you need more assistance, I can walk you through it.  I use these on all my form results.  If you are looking for a custom email with formatting, then you will need to generate ASP code for that.  By using FP extensions, you only get so much.
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