Question : Can't resolve how a QuickStart defines a ICollection var

Working against the EntLib3.1 Logging QuickStart...  

Specifically, I'm trying to pull the EventInformationForm from the quickstart for use in my app. I have all the references to the point where the only compile error I get points to how that form declares one of it's private vars:

    Private _categories As ICollection(Of String) = New List(Of String)(0)

 and it's getter:

    Public ReadOnly Property Categories() As ICollection(Of String)
            Return _categories
        End Get
    End Property

Compiler insists:

Error    2    'System.Collections.ICollection' has no type parameters and so cannot have type arguments.




Answer : Can't resolve how a QuickStart defines a ICollection var

You can set default imports to a project in VB.NET. Maybe System.Collections.Generic has been set as a default import on the original project, but not in yours.
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