Question : Upgrade .net 2 to .net 3.5 - build time gone crazy

I have just upgraded a web site from .net 2 to .net 3.5.  The site has been running well for some time and I have been using VS 2008 for the last month or so.  No real problems previously.

Because of initial problems knowing which dlls to register, I created a new web site using VS 2008 and setting the target framework as .net 3.5.  I then used "add existing items" to import all the components of my application, adding the dlls as needed.

My problem is that build times have gone crazy.  If I rebuild the solution every component gets rebuilt - fair enough!  If I then immediately hit F5, everything is rebuilt again.  If I hit F5 again, with no code changes, another full rebuild.

When the web site if finally running, it appears to recompile everything as one moves from page to page.

Getting from a login screen to a blank page took one second under .net 2 and now takes several minutes.

Any suggestions on what I have done wrong?

Answer : Upgrade .net 2 to .net 3.5 - build time gone crazy

you can change the dedault build options in the web siate property page to just build page from build website or no build
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