Question : SBS08 - RWW - FQDN - Can't Get it to Work?

Hi experts,

This problem has plagued me for a while and I have put it on the backburner a bit. But I have to sort it now.

The issue is... I am running SBS08 and am trying to configure RWW. At the moment I can use the static IP to connect to RWW and OWA and SharePoint work but when try to directly connect to a computer or the server produces a certificate error because I am using the IP and not a FQDN.

Our domain name is hosted through an external provider and I have had them set up an A record that points to the IP of our server. Now when I enter it redirects to remote.[my server ip address].com.

So my question is, how do I get [my server ip address] to display as mydomain?

I have a few ideas such as asking my external host to cloak it, or provide a reverse DNS entry but I am not totally sure???

Can you help???

Answer : SBS08 - RWW - FQDN - Can't Get it to Work?

I suppose you could bridge the two networks with a VPN - essentially make one network out of two, but you'd have to coordinate a lot of services to make that work.  
The remote user could connect to some point outside his network, and then VPN into yours.  This would make him appear just like one of your other field people.  
If the remote user just needs to get to the SQL Server's desktop, there are other solutions (use VNC with DDNS and the appropriate configuration on your firewall) that will get him there, but I would worry about security.
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