Question : Bat file keeps repeating at command line

I'm not sure completely how to explain this, but I have a probelm in that I am trying to create a bat file that defrags the hard drive of a computer. I think I have the syntax down correctly:

defrag c:

and I name the file defrag.bat. When I double click on it to run it, it pulls up the command window as you would expect, but then it just infinately repeats the command c:\defrag c: over and over but doesn't actually do anything. The only way to get it to stop is to close the command window. I could swear I have resolved this once before by moving the location of the bat file to a different location other than the root of the c: drive. I tried doing this to resolve and it didn't make a difference. Could someone give me some advice on how to fix this?


Answer : Bat file keeps repeating at command line

Since your batch file is called defrag, it is called by defrag.cmd. You can get around that by either renaming your batch file to e.g. dfrg.cmd, or by using:

defrag.exe c:

BTW, the exit is superflous.
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