Question : DBDesigner 4 to MSSQL 2000
Hi experts ..
I'm trying to connect to MSSQL 2000 through DBDesigner4 to create some tables, the problem is that I couldn't connect to the database, could you please help me?
Answer : DBDesigner 4 to MSSQL 2000
CREATE TABLE account_history ( account_history_id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, import_id INTEGER NOT NULL, account_id INTEGER NULL, account_status_id INTEGER NOT NULL, ssn CHAR(9) NULL, specialist VARCHAR(100) NULL, local_office_id INTEGER NOT NULL, balance BIGINT NULL, billable_balance DECIMAL NULL, collectible_balance DECIMAL NULL, suspension_reason_id INTEGER NOT NULL, new_hire_status BIT NULL, last_quarter_wages DECIMAL NULL, last_closed_on SMALLDATETIME NULL, last_opened_on SMALLDATETIME NULL, age INTEGER NULL, legal BIT NULL, garnish BIT NULL, minimum_payment DECIMAL NULL, min_payment_override BIT NULL, min_pmt_override_start_SMALLDATETIME SMALLDATETIME NULL, min_pmt_override_end_SMALLDATETIME SMALLDATETIME NULL, create_SMALLDATETIME DATETIME NULL, update_SMALLDATETIME DATETIME DEFAULT GETDATE(), -- AUTO_INCREMENT, severity INTEGER NULL ) GO CREATE INDEX account_FKIndex2 ON account_history (local_office_id) CREATE INDEX account_FKIndex3 ON account_history (suspension_reason_id) CREATE INDEX account_history_FKIndex4 ON account_history (import_id)
GO CREATE TABLE account_history_attribute ( account_history_attribute_id INTEGER IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY, account_history_history_id INTEGER NOT NULL, attribute_name VARCHAR (100)NULL, attribute_value INTEGER NULL, attribute_type VARCHAR (100)NULL, ) GO CREATE INDEX AccountAttribute_FKIndex1 ON account_history_attribute(account_history_history_id) GO
CREATE TABLE account_status ( account_status_id INTEGER IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY, status_name VARCHAR (100)NULL, status_code CHAR NULL, status_description INTEGER NULL )
CREATE TABLE local_office ( local_office_id INTEGER IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY, local_office_no VARCHAR (100)NULL );
CREATE TABLE overpayment_history ( overpayment_history_id INTEGER IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY, overpayment_history_status_overpayment_history_status_id INTEGER NOT NULL, account_history_history_id INTEGER NOT NULL, amount DECIMAL NULL, billable_amount DECIMAL NULL, collectible_amount DECIMAL NULL, balance DECIMAL NULL, billable_balance DECIMAL NULL, collectible_balance DECIMAL NULL, establish_SMALLDATETIME DATETIME NULL, BYE DATETIME NULL, fraud BIT NULL, appeal_status CHAR(1) NULL, appeal_SMALLDATETIME DATETIME NULL, [current] BIT NULL, create_SMALLDATETIME DATETIME NULL );
CREATE INDEX Overpayment_FKIndex1 ON overpayment_history (account_history_history_id) CREATE INDEX overpayment_FKIndex2 ON overpayment_history (overpayment_history_status_overpayment_history_status_id)
GO CREATE TABLE overpayment_history_attribute ( overpayment_history_attribute_id INTEGER IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY, overpayment_history_history_id INTEGER NOT NULL, attribute_name INTEGER NULL, attribute_value INTEGER NULL, attribute_type VARCHAR (100)NULL ); CREATE INDEX OverpaymentAttribute_FKIndex1 ON overpayment_history_attribute(overpayment_history_history_id) GO CREATE TABLE overpayment_status ( overpayment_history_status_id INTEGER IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY , status_name VARCHAR (100)NULL, status_code CHAR NULL, status_description INTEGER NULL );
CREATE TABLE repayment_application_history ( repayment_history_history_id INTEGER NOT NULL, overpayment_history_history_id INTEGER NOT NULL, application_amount BIGINT NULL, create_SMALLDATETIME DATETIME NULL ); ALTER TABLE [dbo].[repayment_application_history] WITH NOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_repayment_application_history] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [repayment_history_history_id], [overpayment_history_history_id] ) ON [PRIMARY] GO
CREATE INDEX RepaymentApplication_FKIndex1 ON repayment_application_history(repayment_history_history_id) CREATE INDEX RepaymentApplication_FKIndex2 ON repayment_application_history(overpayment_history_history_id)
CREATE TABLE repayment_history ( repayment_history_id INTEGER IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY, account_history_history_id INTEGER NOT NULL, amount INTEGER NULL, is_offset BIT NULL, payment_SMALLDATETIME DATETIME NULL, create_SMALLDATETIME DATETIME NULL ); CREATE INDEX Repayment_FKIndex1 ON repayment_history(account_history_history_id) GO
CREATE TABLE repayment_history_attribute ( repayment_history_attribute_id INTEGER IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY, repayment_history_history_id INTEGER NOT NULL, attribute_name VARCHAR (100)NULL, attribute_value VARCHAR (100)NULL ); CREATE INDEX RepaymentAttribute_FKIndex1 ON repayment_history_attribute(repayment_history_history_id) GO
CREATE TABLE suspension_reason ( suspension_reason_id INTEGER IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY, suspension_name VARCHAR (100)NULL, suspension_description VARCHAR (100)NULL );