Question : Force terminal services license renew?

We have these HP thin clients that strictly boot up, and RDP our terminal servers.  For some unknown reason (I couldn't find anything the configure here...) the thin clients are not releasing the licenses so they can get a renewal.

Is there anything on the server I can do to force the clients to renew licenses?

Answer : Force terminal services license renew?


Q: How can I delete the MSLicensing key from a thin client?

A: WinCE thin clients store the MSLicensing key in the default location in the registry:

The problem is often how to access it.
Thin clients should have an option on the setup screen to delete this key.
If your thin client does not have this option, reinstall the CE firmware, or reset the client to the factory defaults.
Make sure that you write down your custom settings before doing so!

If the thin client does not run Windows CE or does not have any tools available, reinstalling its firmware will probably achieve what you want. The vendor may be able to provide more help.
Note also if the thin client runs Windows XPe, the registry location above does apply and deleting it will do the trick.

Cláudio Rodrigues
Citrix CTP
Random Solutions  
programming4us programming4us