Question : Host Process for Windows Services Stopped Working and was Closed

Running Windows Vista Home Premium 32-bit and getting this "Host Process for Windows Services Stopped Working and was Closed" every 5 minutes or so.  Event IDs are 1000 and 1001

Log Name:      Application
Source:        Application Error
Date:          10/14/2009 10:35:50 AM
Event ID:      1000
Task Category: (100)
Level:         Error
Keywords:      Classic
User:          N/A
Computer:      Eric-LT
Faulting application svchost.exe, version 6.0.6001.18000, time stamp 0x4ad583d7, faulting module svchost.exe, version 6.0.6001.18000, time stamp 0x4ad583d7, exception code 0xc0000005, fault offset 0x000019fc, process id 0x15e0, application start time 0x01ca4cdb9f22486b.

Log Name:      Application
Source:        Windows Error Reporting
Date:          10/14/2009 10:36:16 AM
Event ID:      1001
Task Category: None
Level:         Information
Keywords:      Classic
User:          N/A
Computer:      Eric-LT
Fault bucket 1506247726, type 1
Event Name: APPCRASH
Response: None
Cab Id: 0

Problem signature:
P1: svchost.exe
P2: 6.0.6001.18000
P3: 4ad583d7
P4: svchost.exe
P5: 6.0.6001.18000
P6: 4ad583d7
P7: c0000005
P8: 000019fc

Attached files:

These files may be available here:

I've run cmd --> SFC /SCANNOW and it came back clean

I've checked for viruses and found a few, but error still applies after cleaning them.

I used Process Explorer to look for services that do not belong, but all of them look legit.

I've added what I can for logs, but it won't let me post HDMP or MDMP files.  I can't find a way to open the files to cut and paste the text (note and wordpads just produce symbols)

If anyone can at least point me in a direction, I would much appreciate it.

Answer : Host Process for Windows Services Stopped Working and was Closed

Thank you
did you paste them or write them?
some of the references are bunched together

Hyjackthis analyser reports a few possible nasties because of the location of the Citrix Go to meeting...
According to thier database this process runs normally in c:\programme\citrix\gotomeeting\124\!
where as the clients is installed to>>C:\Program Files\Citrix\GoToMeeting\366\g2mcomm.exe
Please refer to my snapshit or post your log at hijackthis

O23 - Service: lxdxCATSCustConnectService - Lexmark International, Inc. - C:Windowssystem32spoolDRIVERSW32X863\lxdxserv.exe  <<< Unknown service. (lxdxserv.exe)
the error>>Faulting application svchost.exe, version 6.0.6001.18000, time stamp 0x4ad583d7<< is related to the spooler
Lee Tutor suggested this error occurs when there is several processes running the same printer
please refer to this
Hijackthis log snippet
Hijackthis log snippet
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