Question : sortable table in Mac Excel

I would like to make a table like this:

name    A       B      C

where the columns  A, B,C are either 0 or 1, then i would like to be able to sort A B C and see what the accompanying list of names is that go with category.  I dont think this is a pivot table from what understand, but i cant find any similar type funcitonality.   thanks!

Answer : sortable table in Mac Excel

Are you saying that you want to see all the names that have a score of 1 in the "A" column? That would be filtering rather than sorting. Excel has a rather neat feature called AutoFilter that does exactly that.

1) Select all of your data, including the header labels
2) In Windows Excel, you would find the AutoFilter item under the Data menu after you choose Filter...  I hope the procedure is somewhat similar in your version of Excel
3) You will now see an arrow to the right of each column header label. If you click on the one for the "A" column, you will see a dropdown menu. Choose the value you want. If you choose 1, only those rows containing a 1 will appear. All others will be hidden by the filter.

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