Question : Admin account - Windows servers -  notification when accessed

What, if any method,  would there be available in Windows Servers - 2000, 2003, 2008 - that would make it so that when the admin account was used an e-mail alert would go to a specific e-mail account - basically it would give us an idea that the admin account was being used and if we, the official admins,  knew that we weren't using the account we would be alerted to a possible intrusion. Now I know of course that whoever did intrude could find and turn off the notification but at least we would get one notification before that happened.  Ditto for the Exchange Manager account.

Answer : Admin account - Windows servers -  notification when accessed

Or these two tools:

It's been a whille since I tested these for a particular client, but both had some good points.  In the end the client didn't desire to pursue it, so the solution was not implimented.  However, it may be useful for your situation if you have the budget.
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