Question : iis forbiden access - cannot find incorect host header


Have iis 5 on windows and use default website for all unassigned websites to go to a default website (IPADDRESS ="ALL UNASSISGNED") where shows under contruction message  from html page

all assigned web site domains are working fine

But all unassigned domains putting to that web server are showing error 403 forbidden access - the only thing I can think off is there is another iis record with advanced blank record which is redirecting traffic to site where login required?

but cannot check manually all advanced iis headers as several thousand

any ideas please?

Answer : iis forbiden access - cannot find incorect host header

A bit of a quick fix, but..

If you have nothing actually making use of the default website, it is self to delete it and create a new one.

Ensure you set it up to use port 80, for IP addresses select 'All Unassigned' and point the home directory to any local folder on the server.  Or the original wwwroot, which is probably somewhere like C:\Inetpub\Wwwroot
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