Question : Error transforming Licenses.licx file after upgrading Active Reports
I removed an old version of active reports and installed version 3.0. The new version is licenced and I have validated the licence.
When I rebuild the project I get this error...
\licenses.licx Could not transform licenses file 'licenses.licx' into a binary resource. (8) : error LC0003 : Unabled to resolve type 'DataDynamics.ActiveReport
port, ActiveReports, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc4967777c4
Someone in another EE question suggested renaming the licenses.licx file and rebuilding to re-create the licenses.licx file. however, my system doesn't seem to do that. I just get an error telling me it can't find the licenses.licx file during the rebuild.
Answer : Error transforming Licenses.licx file after upgrading Active Reports
you may have to remove active reports (from your app) completely and re-install it for it to pickup the new code lic.
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