Question : Public folder replication not working on Exchange 2007?

I believe the reason i am still getting the (0x8004010F) (OAB error) is becasue public folder replication is not working on the Exchange serve, below is the error i get when i click on update OAB Version2 in the public folder management console, how can i troubleshoot this?

Microsoft Exchange Error
Action 'Update Content' could not be performed on object 'OAB Version 2'.

OAB Version 2
Cannot start content replication against public folder '\NON_IPM_SUBTREE\OFFLINE ADDRESS BOOK\/o=ROM Group Limited/cn=addrlists/cn=oabs/cn=Address book\OAB Version 2' on public folder database 'APPLE\Public Folders\Public Folder Database'.

MapiExceptionNoReplicaAvailable: StartContentReplication failed. (hr=0x80004005, ec=1129)
Diagnostic context:
    Lid: 1494    ---- Remote Context Beg ----
    Lid: 31229   Error: 0x0
    Lid: 21970   StoreEc: 0x8004010F PropTag: 0x66980102
    Lid: 9206    StoreEc: 0x469    
    Lid: 9206    StoreEc: 0x469    
    Lid: 9206    StoreEc: 0x469    
    Lid: 9206    StoreEc: 0x469    
    Lid: 9206    StoreEc: 0x469    
    Lid: 1267    StoreEc: 0x469    
    Lid: 19865   StoreEc: 0x469    
    Lid: 27225   StoreEc: 0x469    
    Lid: 1750    ---- Remote Context End ----
    Lid: 26322   StoreEc: 0x469    


Answer : Public folder replication not working on Exchange 2007?

its only name resolution or access rules as i see it.

single name/multi (san) , as you like , no must here.
just concentrate on the diffrente resolution while in vpn.

nothing more on exchange side as i see it.
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