Question : Windows XP clients not getting gpo folder redirection informtaion

I will start the very beginning.  I was brought in to help with a small school and do maintain and upgrades to their environment.  Really small, 5 facility and 30 students and the only computer assistance is based on volunteering.  I am about the fifth generation tech support when I got into this.  
The original environment was one server that was DC, DNS, DHCP, File&Print.  It also had symantec backup exec with a tape drive on a dell power edge server.  
The server was running out of drive space since the raid 5 (3 physiclal drives 80GB each)  two partitions C: (12 GB=running out of space) and D: (remaining)
I wanted to wipe the entire drives and start over so I got some money approved and got two 500GB drives to copy over the shared data.  
Server name Genesis2
Inorder to have all the domain information backed up got a whitebox from work and loaded it up with server 2003 just to do replication.  
New Server name spwdc01
I transferred the FSMO roles and made it a global catalog.  Everything is still working.  
I also made it a DNS, DHCP.  Everything is working from the new DC.  I even disconnected the Genesis2 and everything would work on the clients except file and print.
I let this function within production for a few weeks to ensure everyone could work and replication would complete before doing anything else
I then demoted Genesis2 so it was not a DC anymore.  
I let this fucntion for a couple weeks and nothing was reported as malfunctioning.  This was still the file and print server,  just not dns, dhcp, or DC.
So the big day came.  I was running robocopy every night to backup all the user data.
I wipe the raid 5 array, reload windows server 2003, dcpromo, transfer the FSMO roles but I forget to make it a Global catalog.
I have named this Genesis3.
I add DNS, and DHCP, create the shares for file and print.  

Ok to the really problem
I did not realize the GPO's were doing folder redirection for all four locations.  App Data, My Documents, Desktop, and Start Menu.  Two were all pointed to \\genesis2\stpeters\home\
The other two were pointed to the home folder.
In addition the profile tab on all the user accounts in ADUC are set to U: \\genesis2\stpeters\home
I stopped in on Monday morning realized the error and changed the entries to genesis3.  I just took the time to into each user account and change the path from genesis2 to genesis3.
At this time I can not get the windows xp clients to get the gpo updates to see that the new location is genesis3.  From what I can tell, they have been having GPO errors for a while and very specific to folder redirection  Their GPO setup was very wierd.  ALL the user accounts were still in the default Users folder in server 2003. There were no OU's created.  They were applying all GPOs in the Default Domain Policy.
So inorder to just get a change I created some OU's for computers and another for Users and created a new GPO.  To help manage too much change all I did was take some of the folder redirection settings and place them in the new "test gpo".  Then removing them from the Default Domain Policy.  This started to create some change since now, IF the U: drive appears its an offline file folder along with the "My Documents" location and it wants to "sync" on logoff.  So I found some more GPO settings about offline files and moved those over.   No the U: drive does not show up, and when I do GPMC.msc and run the GPO reult wizard its telling me the Default Domain Policy is winning for folder redirection and its pointed to genesis2.  I have looked at the userenv log which I turned on verbose logging but at 1:00 am I forget to email them to myself.  So I am hoping to call the user later today to get a copy of it so I can post it in the thread.  
If its not obvious after I do changes, I have run gpupdate /force.   I also have done gpresult /z to get information as well.  Telling me the same thing as GPMC.  
I am sure you will have questions, so I will be watching this  regularly.   If you need more information please ask and I will get a repsonce Asap.  

Yes the Userenv log is telling me errors when applying the gpo folder redirection.  they have various failing codes from 0x10b and 4ee.  I tried googling both of them but I was not getting results that were similar.  
I also found remaining SRV records in dns for genesis2 which I have since deleted.

Answer : Windows XP clients not getting gpo folder redirection informtaion

Issue is has been resolved.  I did several things one of which was setup reverse addressing.  

For anyone who reads this and would like to have some direction for troubleshooting.

Get a client that is clearly not functioning and do all your testing there.

You will want to enable userenv logging to verbose.
Download and install gpmc.msi
once installed you can do a start - run - gpmc.msc or rsop.msc.  There are good instructions on how to use these via google.

One thing I also might have done wrong is assign the same ip to as the previous server
Retired server name/ip = Genesis2 /
New server name/ip = Genesis3 /
Last night I changed it so it was
After you do this, go into DNS and look for the old computer name and delete any records of the old server, especially SRV records.
You will need to reboot the client twice.  And after you make these changes a ipconfig /flushdns with a gpupdate /force was NOT enough.  I needed to do a complete reboot and for the gpo to fully apply I had to reboot twice.  
To anyone that reads this I hope it helps and really thank Raheem05 for getting me in the dns direction.  I should known to go there when experiencing AD issues.
Thanks Raheem05!!!

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