Question : IE7 and blank pages

Hello all,
This is a bizarre one that is happening on a Windows XP Pro machine.
What originally happened is that IE7 would not bring up any pages.
Here is what I did:
Installed firefox for testing
Uninstalled SP3
Rebooted - IE7 did not bring up any web pages but firefox did but would error out with an ntdl.dll error
Uninstalled IE7
IE6 brought up web pages with no problems and firefox did also but would error out with an ntdl.dll error
Installed IE7
Web pages worked until the third reboot of the PC then the same thing
IE7 would not bring up web pages (green bar takes forever (over 1 hour)) to go through.
Firefox would come up but would error out with an ntdl.dll error
Some of the web sties that this person goes to requires IE7 to work.
I also registered several dll files per one web stie and then rebooted but to no avail.
I have no clue what to do.
Please help.
Kelly Wilke

Answer : IE7 and blank pages

Method 1
If the ntdll.dll error only displays when you use a specific software program, uninstall the program, reboot your computer, and then install the latest version again from scratch.

Note:If the software program has any updates or service packs available, install them too. The software's programmers may have identified an issue with the program that caused the ntdll.dll error and then issued a patch for it.

Method 2
Selectively disable Internet Explorer add-ons. If your ntdll.dll error is displaying when you start, run, or close Internet Explorer, an add-on may be causing the problem. Disabling each add-on, one by one, will determine which add-on is the culprit (if any).

Method 3
Perform a repair installation of Windows XP. If individual software reinstallations fail to resolve the problem, a repair installation of Windows will replace the ntdll.dll file. Remember to install all Windows service packs and other patches after this installation.

Method 4
Ntdll.dll errors could occur if you have an Iomega Zip drive on the same IDE cable as the hard drive inside your computer. If so, move the Zip drive to a dedicated IDE controller.
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