Question : How can I return an error message when a field or control is Blank
Hi experts
I am currently designing an Access form that produces a purchase order, I have a button on the form which opens a report for printing.
I want to make the report refuse to open if the operator hasn't selected their name in the "ordered by" combo box the data source for that control is a value list (of names)
I would be grateful for any help as I have spent too long trying to code it already!
Access 2007
Answer : How can I return an error message when a field or control is Blank
Hello Tintoman51,
Put a snippet like this into the Click event sub for that button:
If Nz(Me!OrderedBy, "") = "" Then
MsgBox "You must select a name to order by", vbCritical, "Invalid Entry"
Exit Sub
End If
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