REM Stop the Automatic Updates service
net stop wuauserv
REM Stop the Windows Management Instrumentation service
net stop winmgmt
REM Backup ReportingEvents.log. Then, delete the contents of
REM %systemroot%\SoftwareDistribution and
REM %systemroot%\system32\WBEM\Repository
copy %systemroot%\softwaredistribution\reportingevents.log %homedrive%\
del /f /q %systemroot%\softwaredistribution\*.*
move %homedrive%\reportingevents.log %systemroot%\softwaredistribution
REM Delete SusClientID and AccountDomainSid keys from
REM HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate
SET WU_KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate
reg delete %WU_KEY% /v SusClientID
reg delete %WU_KEY% /v AccountDomainSid
REM Start the Automatic Updates service
net start wuauserv
REM Start the Windows Management Instrumentation service
net start winmgmt
REM Force a group policy update
gpupdate /force
REM Roll the WU Client...
wuauclt /resetauthorization /detectnow