Question : Web Service or WCF?  Current system uses thumb drives.

I’ve been out of the programming loop for a while now and would like your opinion.
Each client has the same database structure, same tables and same columns.  The contents of each client’s database are different but the structure is identical.  The server is a supper client it contains a copy of each clients data submitted data.  If a client wants to send a report to another client, they always send it to the server and the other client pulls it down.  It is client -> server -> client, no pier to pier relationships.

Current Process:
A report is currently serialized into XML and can be sent to a server/ client by thumb drive and uploaded into the respective SQL database.

Net Work:
One last item of information, each machine is physically on a LAN or high speed network such as Verizon.

The thumb drive process is reliable but not optimal and would like a more sophisticated communication scheme.  My first thought was, Web Service, but I have been out of the game for a while.  I have read about WCF, but just do not seem to get the reason for or against using it.

Your opinion is valuable, thank you.


Answer : Web Service or WCF?  Current system uses thumb drives.

your job can be done by either web service or WCF.
and actually wcf is a great extension of web service in .net 3 and higher
I recommend WCF because it has these advantages over web service:

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