1. Check to make sure port 443 is open on your firewall and forwarding to your SBS 2003 server
2. Check to make sure Exchange 2003 has SP2 installed, if not you can download it from here
3. Test that you can reach Outlook Mobile Access from the outside world. From a browser window go to
https://your_company_Mail_server.com/OMA. If you get a popup asking you for your username and password then OMA is configured. However, if not then you should run the connect to the Internet from the to do list on the server management window. The only thing you need to do is make sure that outlook web access, remote web workplace, and outlook mobile access checkboxes are checked.
4. Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, right click on the default website, and from the drop down menu click properties
5. On the web site tab, check to make sure the IP address field is set to unassigned, and the SSL port number is set to 443
6. On the Directory Security tab, click on the edit button in the authentication section and make sure that integrated windows authentication and enable anonymous access are checked. OK out of the dialougue boxes
7. In IIS expand default website , right click on OMA, and go to properties.
8. On the Directory Security tab, click on the edit button in the authentication section and make sure that integrated windows authentication, and basic authentication are checked. OK out of the dialougue boxes
9. Stop and start the IIS Admin services
10. On the iphone, delete the exchange account thats not working, restart the phone, and create a new exchange activesync account.