Question : Escape while loop, then re-run while loop

I am in the process of learning Visual Basic (for work), and I am creating a sample application to test my knowledge so far... It's a simple application with 5 combo boxes that the user can select certain features of their computer, and  then this information will be displayed back to the user.

The problem: I am trying to add some error checking into the application, such that if a combo box is empty it will prompt the user, and then give them a chance to try again...all combo boxes must be filled out before the pop up window will display with the computer info they entered.

What it's currently doing: it's stuck in the while loop after it hits the comboFilled = False...
What I think I need to do: I need to break out of the while loop to get them a chance to re-enter info in the combo box. They would then click on "Submit" again to fire off the while loop error check.

This is what I have so far... check runs after they click "Submit":

' //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'  On Click of the "submit" button check if combo boxes are blank
' \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

Dim comboFilled As Boolean

        While comboFilled = False
            If (Me.newProcType.SelectedItem = Nothing) Then
                MessageBox.Show("You did not select a Proc type.")
                comboFilled = False
                myNewBox.Proc = Me.newProcType.SelectedItem.ToString()
                comboFilled = True
            End If

            If (Me.newProcSpeed.SelectedItem = Nothing) Then
                MessageBox.Show("You did not select a Proc speed.")
                comboFilled = False
                myNewBox.ProcSpeed = Me.newProcSpeed.SelectedItem.ToString()
                comboFilled = True
            End If

            If (Me.newMemory.SelectedItem = Nothing) Then
                MessageBox.Show("You did not select any Memory.")
                comboFilled = False
                myNewBox.Memory = Me.newMemory.SelectedItem.ToString()
                comboFilled = True
            End If

            If (Me.newHardDrive.SelectedItem = Nothing) Then
                MessageBox.Show("You did not select a Hard drive.")
                comboFilled = False
                myNewBox.HardDrive = Me.newHardDrive.SelectedItem.ToString()
                comboFilled = True
            End If

            If (Me.newMonitor.SelectedItem = Nothing) Then
                MessageBox.Show("You did not select a Monitor.")
                comboFilled = False
                myNewBox.Monitor = Me.newMonitor.SelectedItem.ToString()
                comboFilled = True
            End If

        End While

        ' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        ' If the combo boxes are filled then continue...which pops up a message with the computer info.
        ' \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\


Answer : Escape while loop, then re-run while loop

If the code you posted is in a Button click event handler then just place a Return command after the display of the error, like this

            If (Me.newProcType.SelectedItem = Nothing) Then
                MessageBox.Show("You did not select a Proc type.")
                myNewBox.Proc = Me.newProcType.SelectedItem.ToString()
                comboFilled = True
            End If

            If (Me.newProcSpeed.SelectedItem = Nothing) Then
                MessageBox.Show("You did not select a Proc speed.")
                myNewBox.ProcSpeed = Me.newProcSpeed.SelectedItem.ToString()
                comboFilled = True
            End If

and do the same for the others.
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