Question : check box list in excel
In excel I wish to create a list box but using checkboxes.
Basically I have a column called contributors. Since contributors will change for each row. I want to do the following.
Create a validation with the following users ( user A, User B, User c, User D). Ideally rather than a standard list where I select one users. I want to be able to select multiple users ie if the row if for document 1 then If I select User A, User b, User c as contributors then the cell will show all three users.
then next row could be for document 2, so again for example I select users A, User C, User D as contributors and those three users will be displayed in the contributors cell that related to document 2.
What I want to do is create a excel worksheet to track documents but contributors will change depending on the document ( some documents will have one contributors, whilst other documents may have multiple contributors.)
alternatively if somebody can show me another way of achieving my aim.
Answer : check box list in excel
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