Question : I need access to automatically add a modifier to a cpt code listed in an excel spreadsheet if a certain cpt code is entered on the same line


I need Access to automatically add a modifier to a cpt code listed in an excel spreadsheet if a certain cpt code is entered on the same line.

The spreadsheet will be imported into Access and if it meets the criteria listed below, a modifier will need to be added to the code in column 1

Column 1      Column 2
97001            97002, 97703, 97750, 97112
97018            97012, 97016, 97022, 97035
97022            97035

If a code from column 1 is listed on the same line with any of the codes from column 2, a modifier  of "59" needs to be attached to the cpt code in column 1.

Is there a way for me to code this in Access to capture the rows that have this information and some how flag them that they meet this criteria so the modifier of 59 can be added to the cpt code in column 1.  

Here is a sample of the excel spreadsheet that will be imported:  

Name             CPT 1      CPT 2      CPT 3
Test, Patient      97001      97002      
Smith, Jane      97018      97012      

Both these rows would qualify based on the column 1 and 2 info above, so I would like to somehow identify these rows based on the coding requirements above and either add the 59 automatically to the cpt code listed in the column 1 data.  (97001 should qualify to have a 59 attached to it because it's billed along with a 97002, also 97018 should qualify for the modifier because it's being billed on the same line with 97012 which appears on the list above)

Ideally, my output would look like this:

Name             CPT 1            CPT 2      CPT 3
Test, Patient      9700159            97002      
Smith, Jane      9701859            97012      

I'm not sure if this is even possible, but any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.


Answer : I need access to automatically add a modifier to a cpt code listed in an excel spreadsheet if a certain cpt code is entered on the same line

you may have to modify the code to fit your tables/buttons/field names, etc.  However if you create a form called form1, a table called tbl_CPT with field names "Name" "CPT1" and "CPT2" where "CPT2" holds the multiple, comma seperated values (no space after the comma in my program) then it will work.

To let you know about proper etiquette here on EE... It's not considered proper to ask multiple questions in a thread.  The help files talk more about that, under "Big Mistakes."  In this situation, since your question was 100% answered, accepting the comment with the solution would be the proper thing to do.  If you were to need help modifying it to fit your project, you could start another question.  That being said, it shouldn't be too difficult for you to modify my code to fit your prog.  You simply need to do some basic field mapping to determine the names of the fields you are using, as well as putting the code in the correct location in your code.

You're quite welcome, I was glad to do it.  This is a learning experience for both of us =)
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