Question : How to Programmatically Add Metadata to Windows Files

I need to add/change Windows File Property information to several thousand Windows (mp3) files stored on a desktop hard drive.
The kind of information I need to add can be viewed by right-clicking on a .mp3 file then clicking on the Summary Tab:

Ideally, I would like to be able to pass the the (new) property information + the file name from an Access 2003 table.

Answer : How to Programmatically Add Metadata to Windows Files

google dsofile . MSDN has a 32bit DDL & source code included,  and a 64bit DLL is floating around.

it gives access to std SummaryProperties (title/subject/suthout/comments) & custom file streams that can be part of NTFS files.

creating the SummaryProperties stream in the first place I found difficult (via VB6 / VB7) and had to enlist a friend with Delphi to add a dummy comment to a file, in doing so created the SummaryProperties stream that is then read/write from VB6/V#/VBA
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