Question : Help caputring sql profiler trace

I run sql profiler and get this

declare @P2 int
declare @P3 int
declare @P4 int
declare @P5 int
set @P2=NULL
set @P3=557064
set @P4=98305
set @P5=NULL
exec sp_cursorexecute 2, @P2 output, @P3 output, @P4 output, @P5 output, N'20070715'
select @P2, @P3, @P4, @P5

I capture the RPC Completed and the SQL BatchCompted Transaction. But with these two I cant get which procedure  tthat actually called this command.. Please tell me how I can find out how this transaction was called..

Answer : Help caputring sql profiler trace

Try one of the default templates that captures a whole range of events as its likely your missing the procedure call.  Another thing is that this might not be a procedure, but rather some adhoc sql issued from a client application, which makes it more difficult to track.
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