Question : Applying Adobe patch with a .msp file using Group Policy

Adobe just released an update to correct a vulerability in Reader 9.1.  The download was an .msp file which can be installed on the local machine.  However, since this can be a cumbersome task to install on several machines, I am looking for a way to distribute this update to 40+ PC's using Group Policy.  Does anyone have any ideas as to how this can be accomplished?

Answer : Applying Adobe patch with a .msp file using Group Policy

  1. Download the 9.1 installer.  Note that if you get one without _Std in the name from here, it will not include or Air components. 
  2. Run the installer with the command-line switches -nos_o"./InstallFiles" -nos_ne.  This will copy the .msi and other files to a subdirectory named InstallFiles. 
  3. Apply the .msp patch to the installer with the command msiexec /a /p  
  4. If desired, create a transform (.mst file) with the Adobe Customization Wizard.  This lets you auto-accept the EULA, turn off updates, etc. 
  5. Copy the contents of the InstallFiles directory to a network share which is accessible from all of the target computers. 
  6. Create a package under the group policy node Computer Configuration\Software Settings\Software installation to deploy the .msi file.  If you created an .mst file, choose the Advanced install type and specify its location on the Modifications tab. 
If you already deployed 9.1 through Group Policy, apply the patch to the existing install point with the command from step 3, then right-click the package within the GPO, go to All Tasks, and select Redeploy application.  This will push the updated version to all affected machines.
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