Question : Guides On Data Access Pages

I'm a newbie to Microsoft Access, eventhough I know how to create tables, etc.
 I don't know how to start creating dynamic forms using the Data Access Page feature as I was enquired to build an online web based system using MS Access.
 I was wondering on where I can find online guide to Data Access Pages.
I have been searching the internet but can't get elaborate online  guides bout this.
Please help me guys by providing me useful links or other sites that I can do research on.  :-)

Answer : Guides On Data Access Pages


If you are looking to create a web-enabled application with Access as the back-end db, I would suggest that you look at Active Server Pages (ASP), and not use Data Access Pages (DAP).

I have found that the development of the DAP functionality is still in its infancy and that there are many fundamental ommitions and limitations.  DAP is OK if you wish to put in on an intranet, however, on the Internet it's a different ball game and may involve your hosting company adding additional resources to the server.

Using ASP you will learn a new technology and be able to use this in other applications where the db is not Access.

I have create a number of applications in this way and can send you a whole example if you wish.

Also, I found the following books very useful in learning ASP:

Wrox Press - Beginning Active Server Pages 3.0
Wrox Press - Beginning ASP Databases


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