Question : BSOD errors that I can't track down!!    <----  n00b alert!!

We currently have a Windows 2000 Server Service Pack 4

It is running Terminal Services in application mode.  

Since the last month I had 23 blue screens.  

0x0000001e   <---  most common
0x00000050   <---  second most common

There has been no hardware change nor any new device drivers loaded.  I suspect memory.
Anyone come accross this before?  

Answer : BSOD errors that I can't track down!!    <----  n00b alert!!

1. 3 of minidumps crashed with bugcheck code 1E and they crashed at different modules
    Probably caused by : srvloc.sys ( srvloc+8121 )
    Probably caused by : win32k.sys ( win32k+9e7c0 )
    Probably caused by : nwfs.sys ( nwfs+2c91b )
   I don't believe all the above modules have software error.
2. 1 minidump crash with bugcheck code 46 which is infrequent
    BugCheck 46, {0, 0, 0, 0}
3. 1 minidump crash with bugcheck code 50 at
    BugCheck 50, {fffd0ca5, 0, fffd0ca5, 0}

I believe that the culprit is faulty ram because all the BSOD does not regular pattern. Software error always have consistent pattern. Hardware error always have irregular pattern.
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