Question : RUNDLL error message "jyku.fjo" on computer start up

Win XP.   Error message on start up...
error loading jyku.fjo
The specified module could not be found.

Every time I start the PC this message is in middle of screen.

I have Webroot Spysweeper and McAfee Internet security for several years and not had a problem with them.
I think the problem started after my IE 8 crashed while on Google, and I think the webpage I was trying to get on had started to load Java, but the PC then froze.
Screen dump attached.

Answer : RUNDLL error message "jyku.fjo" on computer start up

For me it looks like a virus infoection.
Open regedit.exe and search for "jyku.fjo" - if it's somewhere in: HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Currentversion\Run or HKLM\... the same... , then - ust delete it, and full scan your computer.
Also search whole hard drive for such a file and remove it if youfind (for safety reasons - you can create some folder (that is not in your PATH) - and move it there for a while.
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