Question : Is it possible to store the format for the format property in a table?


Is it possible to store the format of the MS Access format property in a table?  For instance, I need to set the format of a textbox control on a form based on what county the item belongs to.  For example, if the county is x, I need the format to be @@@@-@@@-@@@, if the county is y it would be @@@-@@@-@@@.  It's possible that more counties could come on in the future.  Is it possible to store the format in a table and reference it from code in VBA.

Table Example:

CountyID      FormatType
X               "@@@@-@@@-@@@"
Y              "@@@-@@@-@@@"

VBA on form:

Me.txtNumber.Format = tblCounties.Type where CountyID = County

I'm hoping to avoid having to code it in VBA every time a new county comes on.  Thanks for your help!

Answer : Is it possible to store the format for the format property in a table?

Yes it is rather simple however it is this dose use code
 but only one line
The tables are setup as in the images
And they are linked by the county field which should be set to a prim. key. in the formatTbl table
instead of the ID
Anyway give it a try

Private Sub Detail_Paint()
string2format.Format = myFormat
End Sub
Private Sub Detail_Paint()
string2format.Format = myFormat
End Sub
Format from table data
Format from table data
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