Question : Set Subquery Parameter from query

Hi Experts,

How do I set a subquery parameter from a query?


I have a subquery Purchase {ID, Month, .......}, this subquery has a parameter that requests the 'Month', this parameter defines criteria for the 'Month' attribute.

I then have a query PurchaseTotal that sums values of the purchase.  

How do I pass the parameter value from the query Purchase Total to the Parameter in the subquery Purchase?


Answer : Set Subquery Parameter from query

I don't think you can do that.
You 'should' be able to reformulate your query so that the subquery is part of the overall query, however this may entail writing the query in SQL rather than using the query design grid.  You will then be able to use parameters.  If you post the SQL for both queries here, someone should be able to sort something out for you.
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