Question : Dragging ReportViewer in VS2005 generates a 'protected memory' and an 'Invalid FORMATETC' error.

I'm working in Visual Studio 2005 Team Foundation Server on an ASP.Net (VB) project that uses SQL Reporting Services for SQL 2005.  My workstation has Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 2.

I need to use the ReportViewer control to launch reports from a web user control.  To do so, I've tried dragging the ReportViewer control from the Data node in the Toolbox directly into the following:
The design view of a web user control.
The source view of the design side of a web user control.
The design view of a web form.
The source view of the design side of a web form (not the code behind).

In all cases, the IDE returns 2 successive alert messages:
"Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt."
"The operation could not be completed. Invalid FORMATETC structure."

Rebooting my PC did not correct this.  The following links did not answer the question either.

I followed instructions in the #5 post of the latter link, and was able to verify that Script Manager was checked.  It displays version 1.0.61025.0.

Each time I drag the ReportViewer to the designer those errors appear.  Is there some plug-in or patch that I need to install?

Alternatively, perhaps there is some method of instantiating the ReportViewer from the code-behind without depending on dragging it to the IDE.  If that's possible, I would need to see some source code for doing this.

Thanks for your help.

Answer : Dragging ReportViewer in VS2005 generates a 'protected memory' and an 'Invalid FORMATETC' error.

A colleague suggested that I add the control programmatically.  That worked.  The code snippet is below.
<%@ Register Assembly="Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a"
    Namespace="Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms" TagPrefix="rsweb" %>
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