Question : How to open website (hosted on Win Server 2008, IIS) in Microsoft Frontpage 2000?

I recently moved the files of a intranet website to a Windows Server 2008. I installed the IIS role on the server, and created a new site. Everything seems to be in order, and I can access the site from computers in the office using the name http://intranet

Now I am a newbie when it comes to working with FrontPage, so this is perhaps an elementery question! But I cant open up the website in FrontPage to edit.

When I go to: File > Open website, I am asked to enter the folder to open. There I have tried for example, \\server1\intranet, \\\intranet, http://intranet, http://intranet/index.htm.
No matter what I try I just get the message that this folder is not accessible, and that its perhaps protected with a password. In the generated logfile this message can also be seen:

404 - File or directory not found.
The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.

Now I dont know if this is a setting that needs to be changed on the server, or if something needs to be done within frontpage.

I am logged in to the domain, with an account which has full permission on the directories and folders where the website is located on the server.

What do I need to do?

Answer : How to open website (hosted on Win Server 2008, IIS) in Microsoft Frontpage 2000?


Check in IIS where it is storing your websites. It will probably be c:\inetpub\...

Just share this folder or the folder holding the website via the share wizard.
You should then be able to access the website via \\serverip\sharedname
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