Question : create a Editable Textbox for file location?

I want to implement this feature on my report form:
There is a button on my form, when user clicks the button, it will pop up a messagebox, and there is a predefined default file location string displayed on this box, like ("C:\temp\"), the users could then edit the string on this textbox, and then they clicks ok, it will call another function to output the report to this file location (use DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport ... ), and the file folder is not there, program will create this folder (could DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport be able to create new folder based on file location parameter?).

How to create this user-interactive editable textbox and saved it to a string to be used by OutputTo command? Is there any sample code (without using Microsoft Office Library) for this kind of process? Thanks for any detailed answer.

Answer : create a Editable Textbox for file location?

It's just a first stab, but is this the kind of thing you're after?

In the attached zipped database, clicking the 'Generate Report' button in the form 'frmSample' opens the form frmGenerateReport.  This form in turn allows the user to edit the folder, before outputting the report 'repSample' to the specified folder.  The folder is created if it does not exist.
Zipped sample Microsoft Access database - open frmSample to begin
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