Question : New Button Disabled on Form

Thanks in advance for any help!

I have a form that's populated by a query.  I can navigate through the records, but I cannot edit the records and the new button is disabled.

When I change the recordset type to Dynaset-Inconsistent, the new button is enabled and I can add recordsto my heart's content - but the form is no longer bound to my query!  And there are no records to navigate through.

What can I do to enable edit/new on my form, while still showing all the current records?  The form is not locked, and all the properties allow add/update - as I mentioned, I can add in "inconsistent", but for some reason, not in regular "dynaset".

If it helps, here is the query I am using:

log_sheets.log_date, log_sheets.therapist_code, patients.patient_name
patients, log_sheets

Any insight you have is greatly appreciated.  I apologize for the low number of points assigned to this question - I am a newbie (this is my second question) and I spent most of my points on my first question.  Please help.

Thank you!

Answer : New Button Disabled on Form

When you base a form on a query, only certain typesof queries will allow you to update the data.
Have a look in the MSAccess helpfile for "edit query"
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