Question : Find wich control is under the mouse

Hi experts,

I'm looking for a way to find which control is under the mouse when I right click in the form.
I want to customize a context menu depending of which control is under the cursor at the right click.
I use this code:
Dim p As Point = PointToClient(New Point(ContextMenuStrip1.Left, ContextMenuStrip1.Top))
Dim c As System.Windows.Forms.Control = GetChildAtPoint(p, GetChildAtPointSkip.None)

This works except when I'm in a tab (I use Infragistics tab control), if the control is in a tab, I always get the tabcontrol as the control found.
Is this particular to Infragistics and is there a workaround or another trick to find the control?


Answer : Find wich control is under the mouse

Are you just trying to figure out which control the user Right Clicked on to make the ContextMenuStrip to appear?

    Private Sub ContextMenuStrip1_Opening(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles ContextMenuStrip1.Opening
        Dim ctl As Control = ContextMenuStrip1.SourceControl
        Debug.Print("Source: " & ctl.Name)
    End Sub
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