Question : Calculating percentage...

I need help calculating the percentage of two numbers.  I have two Labels with the values and need to calculate the percentage.

RealPercentage = CDec(Me.lblActualMilestoneHours.Text) \ CDec(Me.lblApprovedMilestone.Text)

The value of lblActualMilestoneHours is 5
The value of lblApprovedMilestone is 2

Answer : Calculating percentage...

ok ok math problem....

>>>>The lblApprovedMilestone is the total amount of hours and the lblActualMilestoneHours is the current number of hours in the current project.  This program is for keeping track of how many hours a developer is taking to complete a project.  The total approved hours is 5 for this milestone and the actual current hours on the project is 2 so I want to figure out the percentage done

Dim RealPercentage As Decimal
RealPercentage = CDec(Me.lblActualMilestoneHours.Text) / CDec(Me.lblApprovedMilestone.Text) * 100

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