Question : SQL #Tmp tables

I have a two temp tables and I want to place the results which are in table #2 to be the las trow in table #1 Both select statements work just fine but if i try and do a union i get a datatype error. Is there any way accomplish this.
************** TABLE 1 *****************
SELECT      Cast(ActualSpend as Decimal(20,2)) as 'Spend', -- job cost (savings exluded)
            CAST((cast(100 * CAST(ActualSpend AS Decimal(20, 2)) / CAST(( select Total from #tmp2 ) AS Decimal(20, 2))  as decimal(20,2)))AS varchar(20)) + '%' AS  '% Spend',-- percentage of total spent
            x as 'No.Job', -- Job Quantity
            Cast(Missedopportunties as Decimal(20,2)) as 'Missed Opportunties', -- one of the 4 savings categories
            Cast(ValueEngineering as Decimal(20,2)) as 'Value Engineering', -- one of the 4 savings categories
            CustomerDepartment as 'Customer Department', -- client department
            Cast(Marketrate as Decimal(20,2)) as 'Marketrate', -- one of the 4 savings categories
            Cast((Missedopportunties + ValueEngineering + Referencepricing + Marketrate) as Decimal(20,2)) as 'Total Savings by Dept', -- total savings by department
            Cast((ActualSpend + Missedopportunties + ValueEngineering + Referencepricing + Marketrate ) as Decimal(20,2)) as 'Base Line Spend', -- job cost total without savings
            Cast((cast((Cast((Missedopportunties + ValueEngineering + Referencepricing + Marketrate) as Decimal(20,2))/Cast((ActualSpend + Missedopportunties + ValueEngineering + Referencepricing + Marketrate) as Decimal(20,2)) * 100) as decimal(20,2))) as varchar) + '%' as '% Savings' -- percentage of savings
FROM #tmp

******************* TABLE 2 *************
SELECT Sum(ActualSpend) as 'Total',
            '' as '%' ,
         sum(x) as TotJobs,
       0 as 'Missed Opportunities',
       0 as 'Value Engineering',
       '' as 'Customer Department',
       0 as 'Marketrate',
         sum(Missedopportunties + ValueEngineering + Referencepricing + Marketrate) as 'Total Savings',
         Sum(ActualSpend + Missedopportunties + ValueEngineering + Referencepricing + Marketrate ) as 'Base Line',
         0 as 'Average'
INTO #tmp2 from #tmp  

update #tmp2 set Average = (select cast(sum(cast(Savings as Decimal(20,2)))/ count(*)as Decimal(20,2))  from #tmp4)


Answer : SQL #Tmp tables

insert into #Tab2 (field1,field2....
select field1,field2....
from #tab
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