Question : Access SQL DatePart or different method do display date range as month only
Think I am close on this but just not quite got it.
I want to group my invoice dates and sum the total by month but have it display as the month only
example: any range from 1/1/2010 to 1/31/2010 display as January, 2/1/2010 to 2/28/2010 as February
From what I can tell it will be a datepart fuction? Which is what I dont complete understand yet.
SELECT ARCustomer.Name, ARCustomer.State, ARInvoice.InvoiceNo, OEInvoice.OrderDate, ARInvoice.InvoiceDate, ARInvoice.Subtotal, ARSalesRep.Name, OESalesOrder.OrderNo
FROM OESOQStatus INNER JOIN (ARSalesRep INNER JOIN (OESalesOrder INNER JOIN ((ARCustomer INNER JOIN ARInvoice ON ARCustomer.SKARCustomer = ARInvoice.FKARCustomer) INNER JOIN OEInvoice ON ARInvoice.SKARInvoice = OEInvoice.FKARInvoice) ON OESalesOrder.SKOESalesOrde
r = OEInvoice.FKOESalesOrder) ON ARSalesRep.SKARSalesRep = OESalesOrder.FKARSalesRep)
ON OESOQStatus.StatusCode = OESalesOrder.Status
WHERE (((ARInvoice.InvoiceDate) Between #1/30/2010# And #2/5/2010#))
Answer : Access SQL DatePart or different method do display date range as month only
yes.. something like this
select InvoiceDate, monthName(month([InvoiceDa
from ARInvoice
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