Question : Can it hurt to run repadmin/removelingeringob<wbr />jects

I have some replication issues with 4 DC's. 3 of them cannot pull replication of the Configuration partition from one particular one. The Event log say the NC is LostAndFoundConfig under the Configuration partition. When I compare all 4 DC's using ADSIEdit,  the apparent problematic one has 22 entries under LostAndFoundConfig and the other 3 all have 9. A dffierence of 13. I ran repadmin/removinglingerobjects using the problem DC as the Source and used /Advisory_mode. Sure enought, the DS log says it examined and veriified 13 objects. (22-9=13). This tellls me I think that the suspect DC has 13 lingering objects. The log says to run the command again accept don't use /advisory_mode. Simple enough, but I am chicken. Never did this before. Can' t imagine it would hurt anything but just wanted some feedback from someone that has done it before. Also, the reason we started seeing this error is because we configured all our DC to use Strict Replication Consistency in the Registry per Microsofts advice. Let me know if you need anymore info.

Answer : Can it hurt to run repadmin/removelingeringob<wbr />jects

Strict replication consistency if fine...good job there.

No you should not run into any issues and you did the right thing there by first running advisory_mode.

Some info on lingering objects for others that may come across this post




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