Question : OLE Registration

Is there an EASY way to determine if a specific OLE  is registered on a machine.

I have an apps that registers it on the installation machine, but if it is used to install to a network drive, other workstations do not get the registration.

I use installshield and could not find anything in there.

I included a batch file to run regsvr32.exe, but users can't seem to follow instructions.


Answer : OLE Registration

The easiest way is to enclose the critical part of code which needs OLE registration into TRY - CATCH structure:

LOCAL oException
  *-- commands using OLE registration
CATCH TO oException
  *-- Here you can look at the error description in oException and decide what to do
  *-- cleanup

More onfo is e.g. here:

You could also decide about more sophisticated way: Read Windows Registry settings...
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