Question : How do you copy Excel macros from one windows profile to another?

I have a user that had a corrupted local profile (Windows XP) so I started them out with a fresh one and only moved over critical data, like email, my documents, etc..  I did not move over ntuser.dat or anything from the "local settings" or "application settings" directories.   How can I manually export or copy her excel macros to her new profile?   I am not able to log in under her old profile unless I copy it to a different profile on that box and login under it.  

Answer : How do you copy Excel macros from one windows profile to another?

You are looking for the PERSONAL.XLSB
Which stores the macros.
Of the top of my head this is kept under %appdata%\Microsoft\Excel\XLSART
Type that in, and change the username that shows, to the old username.

There may be other characters after it.
I.E. UserName.DOMAIN.000
that's ok.
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