Question : Use of CrossTab query?

I am relatively new to Access and am trying to figure out when a good time to use a crosstab query would be.  I have a table with Accounting Records.  I have a different record for each account we have (e.g. Accounts Receivable).  I then have a a separate field for every month of the year. I thought I could do a crosstab with the accounts as the vertical axis and the months along the horizontal.  I think I set up the Account field as the row heading, but am uncertain of how to set up the others.  Can anyone help me understand this?

Answer : Use of CrossTab query?

In the data above, if you wanted to show the Sum of the Amount for each Date in the Transactions table ... you would build a crosstab based the Dates, with the Amount as the Sum (and perhaps other data if needed).

I rarely use CrossTabs, since much of my work is done in areas where these sorts of things aren't relevant, but CrossTabs are very useful when you need to transform data.
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