Question : Access 2003: Getting data to show up in columns instead of rows in a report

See the report "Form A Total All BP"

I want it to show a column with <5 and a column with >=5, but as soon as I rearrange the textboxes in the details section, it will only show me <5 in layout view!   In the properties box, I tried making the fields unbound and writing if statements, but the problem appears to be related to how age is set. I want to avoid using VB code to do this if possible.

Answer : Access 2003: Getting data to show up in columns instead of rows in a report

It's hard to know what you want to do without more information.  It appears that you want to display record counts for each health issue broken down by age (<5 and >=5).  I suggest that you make a report that is unbound - nothing in the record source of the report.  Use the DSum function to do your math based on a totals query where you count records by age.  I created a simple example and attached it here.  It will take a little work ... but once you get one health issue working properly, you can copy and paste it and just change the references to the proper health issue field.
DSum example on report
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