Question : PowerPoint 2007 Template Ribbon Macro won't run

I'm a self-taught VBA programmer, having done some fancy automation with Word 2007 templates, now starting to do the same in PowerPoint 2007.  

I have a .potm template with several VBA macros, and a custom ribbon (built with MS Office Custom UI Editor) with buttons that run the macros.  Things work fine when I use the ribbon buttons within the .potm itself, but when I create a new presentation based on the template, and try using the ribbon buttons to run the macros, I get the old "the macro cannot be found or has been disabled because of your security settings" error.

The weird thing is, I have a couple macros which are not tied to the ribbon, and I can run those without problem via Developer tab, Macros, Run.  Weirder still, I can see the VBA code for the ribbon-called macros which are not running, right alongside the others.

The template is in the default template location, which I've verified is a trusted location.

Macro security settings are set to Enable All, and Trust access to VBA project

What am I missing??

Answer : PowerPoint 2007 Template Ribbon Macro won't run

I think you'll be better off creating an add-in. I don't know anyone who uses POTM -- or, if you're talking about an earlier version of PPT -- I don't know anybody who uses macros in POT files. Probably for exactly the reason you're running into. As you're findin out, unfortunately PowerPoint doesn't work like Word.

Here's bsic info on creating an add-in:

Create an ADD-IN with TOOLBARS that run macros
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