Question : Passing CDIalog to a thread
What is the best and the safest way to pass a CDialog object to a thread and still be able to call functions like UpdateData() ? So far, I pass a pointer MyDialog* m as an LPVOID parameter of my worker thread (I use AfxBeginThread). I also pass HWND handle m_Hwnd, and instead m->UpdateData(FALSE); which causes a bunch of ASSERTs, use FromHandle(m_Hwnd)->UpdateData(FALSE); but I am not sure what actually happens to the temporary pointer FromHandle(m_Hwnd), and if MFC takes any care of cleaning it up.
Answer : Passing CDIalog to a thread
I had problems like you and I handeled them similar like:
In OninitDialog, post youself a UserMessage like PostMessage(WM_DLG_LOGIN_CALLBACK, CREATE_THREAD);
Handle this message like: .... ON_MESSAGE(WM_DLG_LOGIN_CALLBACK, OnDoCallback) ....
LRESULT CDlgXX::OnDoCallback(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch( wParam ) { case CREATE_THREAD: m_pThreadDlg = AfxBeginThread (ThreadDlgLogin, m_hWnd, THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL, 0, 0); break; case DO_UPDATE: UpdateData(lParam); break;
Your thread-function looks like UINT ThreadDlgLogin(LPVOID pParam) { CWnd *pDlg = CWnd::FromHandle((HWND) pParam);
To notify your dialog to do s.th, use: if( pDlg && IsWindow(pDlg->m_hWnd) ) pDlg->PostMessage(WM_DLG_LOGIN_CALLBACK, DO_UPDATE, FALSE);
In a header you have to define: