Question : Query by time range not date. ie 7:00a - 2:59a

I am using access 2003 and trying to query all records so that i ONLY see a time span from 7 am - 2:59 pm for all records in the query. Record set contians patient appointment time and dates [APPT_TIME].
Format = 1/12/2010 10:40:00 AM

I would like to query by a specific time range only. not day or date ranges.  Data is linked to a excel pivot table. I manually click the times i want to see now. BIG PAIN and time consuming. See attachment...

Answer : Query by time range not date. ie 7:00a - 2:59a

Try this ...

Expr1: TimeValue(CDate([Appt_Time]))

On the Criteria line of this field add ...

BETWEEN #07:00:00# AND #14:59:00#

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