Question : Report Writer in Microsoft Dynamics GP

I am trying to modify a report that we use to print our invoices in Microsoft Dynamics, the report are made in Report writer . I am trying to add a field that will show a trackign number. I found the table and field that hold the info , and I also try to create a relationishp between the 2 tables but for some reason I can't add the table to my report , I can't figure out what I am doing wrong.
attached is a snapshot of the tables used in my report.

the table that I try to add is the following:
SopTrackingNumberWorkHist = SOP10107= Sales TRacking Numbers Work History

Can someone explain me how to add this table to my report, thanks

Answer : Report Writer in Microsoft Dynamics GP

I don't see any way to add the SOP10107 table to the existing SOP invoice report.  There is a user defined function that has been created to return the tracking numbers separated by a comma.  Step by step instructions on how to add it are listed in KB 874762:;en-us;874762.  (CustomerSource or PartnerSource access is required.)  Unfortunately this will only return the first 80 characters, so hopefully that is enough for you.  If not, you may want to consider a different solution for SOP invoices.
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